ASSIA Reports

Generate Deeper Insights and Understanding of Broadband and Wi-Fi Performance and Demand Trends
You need real-world data to inform your regulatory, regulatory compliance, or strategic business decisions. Our anonymized data sets give you the information you need to achieve those objectives. We continually collect data from tens of millions of consumer internet subscriber lines around the world which can be filtered and processed to your exacting specifications.
Whether you are a regulator looking to measure and monitor ISP performance, decide on future spectrum allocation, or an ISP that needs to make critical strategic business decisions, ASSIA Reports gives you the depth and breadth of data you need to base those decisions on actual market conditions.
Your challenges

Regulators must measure the real-world performance of ISPs and ISPs need to prove to regulators that they are meeting regulatory requirements.

ISPs and regulators need straightforward KPIs that measure whether subscribers are getting the network performance they are paying for and the quality of experience they expect.

ISPs need to understand market trends inside and outside their subscriber base to make informed network investment decisions. Regulators need to understand network performance for regulatory and spectrum allocation decisions.
How it works

Product Features
Access the most complete worldwide data set of ISP subscriber data on the market to understand market trends, planning decisions, and market regulations.

Unparalleled Data Set
Updated every 5 seconds
More than 18 months of historical data
Fully anonymized
Meets most regulatory requirements

The Wi-Fi KPIs You Need
Wi-Fi Traffic
- Wi-Fi traffic at each Wi-Fi router, sum of all stations’ traffic, daily and hourly
- Frequency: Daily and hourly, upstream and downstream, 2.4 and 5 GHz bands
Wi-Fi Latency
- Average daily round-trip delay (ms) between the Wi-Fi router and all its clients This is not the server to client delay measured, e.g., by Opensignal (it is less)
- Frequency: Daily, 2.4 and 5 GHz bands
- Time percentage that a channel is unavailable because other routers (and unassociated stations) occupy that same channel
- Frequency: Daily and hourly, 2.4 and 5 GHz bands
- QoE-extrapolated measure of end-customer frustration as a function connection-bandwidth use by stations associated with this router; i.e., how active is the router?
- Frequency: Daily and max hour, 2.4 and 5 GHz bands
Wi-Fi throughput to transmit rate ratio
- Router’s available throughput divided by the maximum transmit rate (MCS data rate) Interference and congestion decrease this measure and so indicate spectrum need
- Frequency: Daily, 2.4 and 5 GHz bands

The Broadband KPIs You Need
Broadband Traffic
Frequency: Daily and hourly, upstream and downstream
Broadband Throughput (speed)
Frequency: Daily, upstream and downstream
Broadband Latency
Frequency: Daily

Spectrum-Need Score KPI
A single metric designed to measure spectrum scarcity based on the most important quality-of-experience factors such as traffic, interference, and latency
Understand and predict current spectrum need
Gives regulators the information they need to accurately predict future spectrum demand for spectrum allocation
Critical data that helps ISPs understand and properly allocate infrastructure investments between technology to-the-home and in-the-home to maximize subscriber quality-of-experience

Team Of Seasoned Data Scientists Included
We work with you to produce the data you need
Our experienced team of analysts have been working with this data for decades
How We Compare
End-To-End data: broadband to-the-home and Wi-Fi in-the-home
ASSIA Reports


Trusted by ISPs and regulators worldwide
ASSIA Reports


Data from 100s of millions of connected devices
ASSIA Reports


Skilled analysts to build reports to your specifications
ASSIA Reports


Industry Standards Support
ASSIA Teams up with the DSA to study millions of ISP connections and establish the Spectrum Need Score.
The Dynamic Spectrum Alliance (DSA) requested our expertise to study and report on the current state of Wi-Fi. In June of 2021, we presented our findings on the Wi-Fi spectrum, its use, and limitations at the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance 2021 Global Summit.
Customer Testimonials
“The implementation of unlicensed access for Wi-Fi is useful for everyone; for countries that already have broad fiber penetration as shown in ASSIA’s study, as well as for those that still lack sufficient fixed connectivity. In these, many citizens that do not have affordable solutions for broadband access at home rely on public Wi-Fi hotspots to access the internet or on the solutions provided by wireless internet service providers that mostly use unlicensed spectrum. ASSIA brings to the forefront the existing and future demand for spectrum which we must act upon today to enable high-quality Wi-Fi in the future.”

White Paper Overview
Broadband network is crucial to American citizens’ prosperity and security, and significant public funds have been allocated to enhance equitable broadband access. However, present broadband performance measurement is often incomplete and inaccurate, with no consistent standards for data definition, collection, and presentation. Federated databases can address these shortcomings by collecting and analyzing accurate, statistically valid, and anonymized data. By deploying cost-effective systems, we can vastly improve broadband networks’ oversight, and federal policy initiatives can accelerate the benefits of pervasive, continuous broadband data collection and analysis.